The Art Of Knuckling Down.

This year has been all about the art of knuckling down, digging deep into my photography, and striving to be a better photographer.


I started my journey by diving into two powerful books, "Start with Why" by Simon Sinek and "Turning Pro" by Steven Pressfield. These reads shook me to my core and pushed me to think about my purpose and passion as a photographer.


This book by Simon Sinek isn't just for business folks; it's for anyone seeking clarity in their endeavours. Sinek's profound insight is that great leaders, companies, and artists start with a clear "why" – a purpose that drives everything they do. I took this to heart and asked myself, "Why am I a photographer? What's the driving force behind my lens?" Another "Turning Pro" by Steven Pressfield' is a no-nonsense guide that also struck a chord with me.


I quickly learned that introspection and reading alone won't cut it. To truly improve, you need to gather knowledge from various sources. So, I began my quest for knowledge and inspiration.


I've been looking at photography-related content, exploring the works of iconic photographers, and staying updated with the latest trends and techniques. Podcasts have been my constant companion during long editing hours. Hearing the experiences of photographers and creatives has given me new perspectives and insights.


The biggest lesson I've learned in this journey is to "know thyself." You can't create meaningful art if you don't understand your own motivations, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-awareness is the foundation upon which you build your unique creative voice. And here's the clincher: while all this self-discovery and inspiration are essential, there's no substitute for rolling up your sleeves and getting down to work. I've come to realise that it's not just about knowing what you know; it's about applying it consistently.


So, I've embraced the philosophy of getting my head down and doing the work. The more I practice, the more I understand the nuances of photography. The more I shoot, the better I become. And this isn't just about photography; it's a life lesson – mastery comes from consistent, deliberate effort.


So, for all you creatives and aspiring photographers, my message to you is simple: Know your "why," gather knowledge from diverse sources, find inspiration in unexpected places, but most importantly, get your head down and do the work. It's the combination of all these elements that will truly help you knuckle down and thrive in the photography industry.


Stay inspired, keep clicking, and remember, the journey is just as beautiful as the destination.

 Kat x


Photo shooting the perfect leggings 


Photography and Podcasting – My Journey in the World of Visual-Verbal Expression.